Author Archives: admin

Latviešu zinātnieki rada jaunas e-studiju tehnoloģijas

Jauno digitālo tehnoloģiju pielietojums ir pētījumu lauks, kurā šobrīd pasaules zinātnieku ieguldījums ir ļoti liels. Daudzi zinātnieki, veicot pētījumus, mēģina radīt jaunas eksperimentālās izstrādnes, kas jau tuvākajā nākotnē kļūtu par produktiem ar augstu pievienoto vērību.

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Projekts „Latvijas IT uzņēmumu attīstība ārvalstu tirgos”

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Document and record management system on Office 365

Our document management system enables companies to maintain single workspace for document creation, registration, processing and storage in compliance with internal regulations and state regulations. Our solution can be quickly and easily implemented at any business and public sector entity, … Continue reading

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Projekts „IT uzņēmumu 2013. gada aktivitātes eksporta tirgos”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Latvian.

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Information Technology Training for Small and Micro Businesses to Promote Competitiveness and Productivity

We welcome Latvian companies to participate in a training project for small and micro enterprises which allows to improve IT skills of their employees at the reduced costs – 80% of the training costs are financed by the European Union. … Continue reading

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The project “Latvian IT company marketing activities abroad”

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The project “Latvian IT Companies for Future Opportunities in Export Markets”

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European refugee fund Project

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Project „Development of Latvia’s IT Enterprises in Foreign Markets”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Latvian.

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