Researches of “Competence centre” are being undertaken with a renewed vigour!

In January, 2013 “IT Competence Centre” resumed its researches fully due to the amendments to the Regulations No 361 “Regulations on the Operational Programme’s “Entrepreneurship and Innovations” Appendix of the sub-activity “Competence Centres””, which were approved by the Cabinet of Ministers in October, 2012.

These amendments actualized the continuation of the project’s “Information and Communication Technology Competence Centre” (Contract No L-KC-11-0003) planned researches and the involvement of new partners. The “IT Competence Centre” was joined by  “LETA”,  “Lursoft IT”,  “ZZ Dats”,  “Eccomerce Accelerator” and other partners.

One of the researches which have been initiated in year 2011 and now are able to continue their development is the project’s sub-activity No 2.5 “The Study of Reading of Varying Complexity Latvian Texts for Pre-school Children and the Development of Readability Formulas for this Target Group”. As well as 20 new researches were launched in January 2013 in both directions of the “IT Competence Centre” scope – “Technologies for Business Processes Analysis” and “Technologies of Natural Languages”.

News prepared by:
LLC “IT Competence Centre” Chairman, Dr. oec. Signe Balina